Arthritic joints greatly benefit from this technology in terms of pain reduction.
Blue light therapy using 415nm has shown excellent effects in the reduction of the appearance of acne. The acne bacteria P. acnes synthesizes and stores a large amount of porphyrins. Once the porphyrin is exposed to visible blue light it becomes chemically active and transfers to an excited state, resulting in formation of reactive free radicals and singlet oxygen which in turn causes membrane damage in P. acnes. Reducing the appearance of acne with blue light is a great non-invasive treatment option and the procedure is easily performed in our office.
The wavelength of 830nm offers deep penetration into living biological tissue which includes bone. A large body of evidence already exists which tout the efficacy of 830nm in enhancing wound healing and its ability to help manage pain and inflammation.
More aggressive, or even minimally aggressive, aesthetic interventions at other offices are almost inevitably followed by such events as discomfort, erythema, edema and hematoma formation which could lengthen patient downtime and represent a major problem to the physician.
Applying 830nm light therapy as soon as possible post-procedure successfully hastens the resolution of sequelae associated with patient downtime in addition to significantly speeding up frank wound healing.
Valentine Family Chiropractic is dedicated to helping Florida residents get the chiropractic care they need. Whether you're recovering from an auto accident, seeking treatment for an ongoing condition, or simply trying to find a solution for general pain or to become more healthy in every way, you can come to Valentine Family Chiropractic for help.
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